The Inspire project, its objectives and solutions were presented in different countries throughout Europe in the last three months.
On May 30th, Nicola Rubini from the INSPIRE team of MOLD attended the 4th International Workshop on Marine Litter Monitoring, Removal, and Circular Economy in Venice. The event, part of the Venice Boat Show, gathers stakeholders from the Blue Economy to discuss marine litter management. Hosted by CNR at CNR-ISMAR, the workshop highlighted technologies for litter monitoring, collection, and recycling, essential for sustainable management.

MOLD presented the hybridized MOLD-MINDS system, set to be deployed in the Po River for 12 months under the INSPIRE project. This system, featuring a River Cleaning barrier, Clean Trash cage, clean energy production, and AI cameras, aims to reduce litter in the Po River . The event emphasized the significance of the INSPIRE Po River use case in advancing pollution-free European rivers.

Inspire solutions were presented also in Portugal on July 4 by the Inspire partner CIIMAR during the largest portuguese event dedicated to science Ciênca, sharing insights on plastic pollution and its impact on Ocean and health.
The team from CIIMAR organized, in collaboration with the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto (FCUP) and Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences (ICBAS), the session “Ocean and Health: Impacts of microplastics on ecosystems and human health”, exploring the current knowledge of marine litter and microplastic pollution and its impact within the framework of the One Health framework.

Built on insights and experience of the European projects INSPIRE and MAELSTROM, the session focused on the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health, and addressing the sources, impacts, and solutions for microplastics pollution.
The session was introduced and moderated by Professor Isabel Sousa-Pinto (CIIMAR), with the intervention of Luis R. Vieira (CIIMAR), Joana Correia Prata (CESPU/ICBAS), Filipa Bessa (Centre for Functional Ecology – Science for People & the Planet) and Patrícia Carvalho (Portuguese Pact for Plastics – Smart Waste Portugal). The initiative also had the participation of the EB Infanta D. Mafalda School (Plastic Pirates). A Q&A session with the audience, moderated by Luis R. Vieira, fostered interaction and promoted multidisciplinary knowledge sharing and creating a platform for insightful dialogue and collaboration.

By addressing the impacts and sources of microplastics, and presenting strategic societal and technological solutions, this session drove engagement and positive action while aligning with national and international goals for pollution reduction and improved health and well-being.
Last but not least, between July 3-5, 2024, INSPIRE partners conducted site visits in Romania, focusing on key locations where innovative technologies for water management will be implemented.
On July 3, the team visited the Dragomirești raw water pumping station, which supplies essential water to thermoelectric plants. The visit facilitated discussions with ELCEN representatives and experts from Fish Flow on improving water filtration systems, identifying three potential scenarios for implementation.

The following day, the team visited the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Fetești, managed by RAJA Constanta. This visit aimed to determine the best locations for testing technologies designed to capture and prevent microplastics from contaminating water bodies. The discussions involved international experts from various organizations, who emphasized the importance of developing advanced filtration and separation methods, as traditional technologies are insufficient for addressing the microplastics issue.

The project also highlighted challenges related to infrastructure upgrades, technological limitations, and the need for adaptation to climate change. As part of the project’s ongoing efforts, these innovative technologies will undergo testing and evaluation, with a significant international conference planned for 2026 in Bucharest to present the outcomes.
Overall, the INSPIRE project is positioned to make a substantial impact on water treatment and environmental protection across Europe.