On 21 May, the first official meeting of the partners of the Interreg ITA-SLO project Karst Firewall 5.0 was held in the Council Chamber of the Municipality of Duino Aurisina / Devin Nabrežina.
The meeting started with an overview presentation of the project, its objectives and expected outputs. Afterwards, the six partners briefly introduced themselves: the IUAV University of Venice, the Municipality of Duino-Aurisina / Devin-Nabrežina, Infordata Sistemi, the ZRC SAZU Institute in Ljubljana, the Municipality of Miren-Kostanjevica and PiNA in Koper.

After the lunch break, they took stock of the work packages and the numerous tasks to be performed by each partner over the next two years.
All partners were highly motivated and determined to do their utmost to complete this interesting project, which should introduce many innovations to prevent and deal with possible fires in the cross-border Kras area.