Infordata Sistemi has joined the first 400 partners of the ambitious Gaia-X project that aims to securely interconnect the data of European organisations via specific ‘Data Spaces’ for the various production chains.
The Gaia-X project can be seen as an evolution of the WebServices or ‘machine-to-machine’ systems that have already been tried and tested for making systems of different companies talk to each other. The project is formally managed by the association of the same name with the aim of creating a federated infrastructure of cloud services at European level that aims to build an open and transparent digital ecosystem in which data and services can be made available, collected and shared in a secure environment.
A massive IT framework with major European players at work, with the common goal of overcoming the concepts of physical cloud infrastructures and creating software federation systems.
This is an epoch-making step: for the first time, representatives from business, politics, academia and science, from Europe and beyond, are working together to enable companies and citizens to retain control over data and to transparently and securely regulate how it is processed, processed and stored.
In this context, all the members of the Gaia-X framework are mutually committed to working together in order to arrive as quickly as possible at the definition of common rules for data processing within the European Union and to interact in a homogeneous manner also with the major non-EU players;
Although not a standardisation body, Gaia-X strongly aims to define common protocols for its members, to create ‘de facto standards’ in the marketplace and to provide consumers with guarantees that specific rules of quality, safety and efficiency will be adhered to.
By 2030, all software development companies will have to adhere to this protocol.