The Remedies Shorline ML App on the European Commission website
The Remedies Shoreline ML APP on the European Commission’s marine data service portal EMODnet
The Remedies Shoreline ML APP on the European Commission’s marine data service portal EMODnet
The ReBuilt partners kindly invite you to join us at an online workshop where we will present the concept of an education and training program that is important for circular and digitised construction.
The Inspire project, its objectives and solutions were presented in different countries throughout Europe in the last three months. On May 30th, Nicola Rubini from the INSPIRE team of MOLD
Infordata technology helps keep Mediterranean coastlines cleaner.
The INSPIRE project conducted a series of site visits across Belgium from June 3rd to June 6th, 2024, involving partners from University of Maribor (Slovenia), Infordata (Italy), VLIZ (Belgium), VITO
The first fieldwork within the Karst Firewall 5.0 project: data collection for the development of innovative technologies that will help us prevent and manage fires in the Karst region
Infordata Sistemi successfully completed its tasks related to Work Package 4 – Sustainability assessment and optimization of implemented measures, meeting the scheduled deadlines. Specifically, Infordata is involved in Work Package
Infordata Sistemi and VLPF presented the Remedies Shoreline ML App at the Venice Boat Show