

The Remedies Shorline ML App on the European Commission website

The Remedies Shorline ML App on the European Commission website

Infordata, in close cooperation with the other Remedies project partners, especially with the help of the NGO Venice Lagoon Plastic Free (VLPF), developed the Remedies Shoreline ML platform and app. Its objective is to collect, aggregate and archive data on marine litter pollution.

Remedies Shorline ML Dashboard

The app was presented on the EMODnet portal, the European Commission’s in situ marine data service. The European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) plays a key role as a reliable source of in situ marine environmental and human activities data and data products, serving a diverse user base in various sectors.

Data collected during actions carried out within the Remedies project, and processed through the Remedies App Shorline ML, will contribute to the EMODnet database. The article, which can be viewed here, discusses the development and use of the app on the Venice Lagoon Plastic Free (VLPF) partner’s test site in Venice.

Emodnet and Remedies interacting